
"This city is the greatest and most beautiful ever seen in this country or anywhere in the Indies... We can assure Your Majesty that it is so beautiful and has such fine buildings that it would be notable even in Spain."

Francisco Pizarro


Cusco (3,400m) is undoubtedly the most beautiful city in Peru and quite possibly in South America. The ancient center of the Inca Empire, Cusco is located in the southeast of the Andes. Its name in Quechua means "navel of the world." According to legend, the city was founded by the first Incas who were born in the mysterious waters of Lake Titicaca: Manco Capac, known as the Prince of the Sun, and Mama Ocllo.
Cusco, the capital of the Tahuantinsuyo or Inca Empire, an empire that at its peak extended north to southern Colombia, south to northern Chile and Argentina and west across the Andes to the Amazon Basin.
The Incas were exceptional stonemasons and urban planners. In Cusco, you can observe the skill and exquisiteness of this work in the many walls that serve as foundations for the colonial buildings. The colonial buildings themselves are among the best in the Americas. The fresh air, the surrounding mountains and the clear Andean sky provide the perfect backdrop for Cusco's narrow cobblestone streets, its charming buildings and plazas, its many hidden treasures and churches. It is not only culturally fascinating and beautiful to look at, but also very pleasant to walk around and be in the city itself.
Inca architecture in Cusco is believed to date back to the 15th century, and is primarily attributed to Inca Pachacutec, who built the city's most notable structures. Inca architecture is known for its incredible stone carvings, walls built of enormous stones that have been fitted together perfectly without the use of mortar or cement. For a civilization that did not yet have the wheel, this was an incredible feat of engineering. In Cusco, some of these constructions include the Sacsayhuaman complex; Qorikancha (The Temple of the Sun); And Hatun Rumiyoc Street, the incredible diorite wall that includes the famous 12-angle stone. Cusco is known as the archaeological capital of the Americas, and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1983.

Featured in Cusco:

Cathedral, Qoricancha, Sacsayhuamán, Tambomachay, Q'enko, Puca Pucara, La Compañía Church of the Jesuits, Convent of La Merced, Convent of San Francisco, Inka Museum, Museum of Pre-Columbian Art, Center of Traditional Textiles

Cusco the Imperial city of the Incas

Practical information for Cusco:

As the gateway to the world-famous Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, Cusco is the cultural and tourist center of Peru. But even on an independent basis, it deserves to be one of the main attractions in Peru and South America. With some of the best colonial architecture on the continent, and remains of the Inca's expert building techniques, along with a most attractive location, Cusco is worthy of a high rank as one of South America's top cultural attractions. .
Cusco offers visitors a myriad of possibilities for tourism, eating well and shopping. It is a magnet for backpackers, new-age tourists and well-oriented travelers from all over the world, thus giving Cusco a rather cosmopolitan atmosphere. Its provincial and distinctly Andean character prevails and enhances the charm of the city. The cuisine is getting better and better in Cusco.
There are many hotels of different budgets, although quality varies and the "official" ratings are, in our opinion, not very reliable. (We will suggest different options).
We recommend you allocate at least two days for a visit to Cusco. A few more days can be spent if you head to the Urubamba Valley or southeast towards Puno, where there are many attractions just a short walk from Cusco. We recommend that you dedicate a full day to a guided tour of the city and its nearby ruins, either in a single day or preferably in two. You can walk to most of the city's sights and take taxis or hire a car for the day if you decide to go further afield. A good guide is a must, and Illay will provide this and other alternatives to help you unearth the secrets and hidden treasures of the exquisite buildings and the city itself. When to go to Cusco? During the drier seasons, May to October is ideal. Trips from November to March may include heavy downpours.

Recommended for

  • History enthusiasts
  • Learn about the culture
  • Families

Experiences to consider

  • A half-day walk through the key places of Cusco.
  • A half day exploring colonial art and architecture with a specialist
  • An enigmatic, exciting and practical treasure hunt. Perfect for families.
  • Visit to the photographic archive of the indigenous photographer Martín Chambi.Cusco and the Sacred Valley
  • The Sacred Valley

The Sacred Valley of the Incas is an hour's drive from Cusco and a landscape of stunning landscapes, picturesque communities, impressive terraces, archaeological sites and majestic mountains. The valley includes the area between the Inca communities of Pisac and Ollantaytambo. Its temperate climate and particular geography make it perfect for outdoor sports enthusiasts interested in rafting, mountain biking, hang gliding, paragliding, horseback riding and trekking.


Divided into four sections: Pisaqa, Qallaq'asa, Kantusrakay and Intihuatana; The Temple of the Sun is located in the Intihuatana section. It is said to contain a hitching post to which the sun can be tethered during its journey across the sky. One theory also suggests that the temple served astronomical purposes for the Inca priests. The Pisac artisan market attracts thousands of visitors and people from remote communities dressed in traditional and colorful costumes. Although the market is largest on Sunday, it is there every day of the week.


Ollantaytambo, located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru, is an impressive archaeological complex that combines history, mysticism and natural beauty. Known for its imposing Inca terraces, its perfectly assembled stone constructions and its strategic location between mountains, Ollantaytambo is both a testimony of ancient engineering and a sacred place that still breathes the greatness of the Inca civilization.


This community is famous for its embedded amphitheater structure, made up of four circular terraces that seem to disappear inside the puna, or artificial crater. These Inca terraces were built to test various agricultural methods. Built on retaining walls, the terraces were filled with fertile soil and watered by a complex irrigation system, supporting more than 250 different types of vegetables and grains, such as corn, quinoa and kiwicha.


Chinchero's main attraction is its Sunday market, originally built for trade between the people of the valley and those who live in the surrounding hills. Barter remains the accepted form of trade. Chinchero is also a weaving community; The indigenous people harvest their own wool and create vegetable dyes to dye and weave a wide variety of intricate textiles that are unique to the area.

When to go to Cusco

During the drier seasons, May to October is ideal. Trips from November to March may include heavy downpours.

Recommended for

  • History enthusiasts
  • Adventurers
  • Families
  • Nature lovers

Experiences to consider

  • Two days visiting the most important attractions of the Urubamba Valley.
  • A delicious picnic in a spectacular place in Cusco or the Urubamba Valley.
  • An absorbing and inspiring day dedicated to participating and interacting with local communities.

Tourist packages in Cusco

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  • 7 Days
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  • Cultural

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  • 1 Day
  • Simple
  • Cultural

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Peru cultural (Lima + Cusco)

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Short Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Committed to quality, safety and culture

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